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Frequently Asked Questions

The questions below should answer many of your questions regarding the competition. If you have any other questions do send us a message through our message app, or through our


1. Who is eligible to register a team in the moot?

Every law school is eligible. Schools that are not law schools are normally also eligible if the study of law is part of the program. The moot is open for teams from Non Asia Pacific Region as well.

2. Who is eligible to be a member of the team?
Team members must be registered students as of the date of submission of registration form. Students working for a masters or doctorates may also be eligible, unless they have been admitted to the practice of law. Similarly, students at a school that is dedicated to preparation for the bar examination are eligible. However, students who are concurrently working in a law office may not be eligible, depending on the type of work they have been or are currently engaged in. In case of doubt as to the eligibility of a student, please write to us at

3. How to register a team in the moot?
There are three steps for a registration to be definitive:
i. Submission of a duly completed registration form.
ii. Compliance of all the formal requirements as required by the Rules.

iii. Payment of registration fee.

4. Is there a registration fee for the moot?
There is a registration fee of US$100 for the administration. Please contact the organisers for more information on this.

5. What will be the venue of the competition?
The general rounds of this edition of Asia Pacific Pre Moot will be conducted in Virtual mode and the elimination rounds will be held in person at a venue to be announced. 

6. How many team members should be there?
There is no limit to the number that is permitted to be on the team.

7. Can multiple teams from same University/School participate in this moot?
No, only one team can participate from one University/School.


8. What extra help is given to people with disabilities.

The Pre-Moot is committed to helping anyone who needs any extra assistance during the competition. The website is created with full accessibility to assist people who are blind and materials will be produced in braille. All training materials produced by the Pre-Moot by video will also be supplemented with a sign language interpreter.  If any team has any other requirements to help a team member then they must contact the Organising Committee who will endeavour to provide the assistance that is needed. 



1. Is there a requirement to submit a memoranda?
This year there is no requirement to submit a memoranda.

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